Established in 2016, we provide hands-on training to students, only 5% reading materials will be used. Because of completely hands-on training with LAB, our students are able to pass job interviews and able to get the job with confidence. You will need to take exam in certified exam center to become IT Certified.

Because we accept limited students per year, we provide quality education that is practical and hands-on, can learn from any country in the world. We do not use books nor follow any books like universities or colleges. Our training method is to engage students directly working in real organization IT infrastructure which not only provides skills but also boost student confident during job interviews. Below are a few students testimonials who are now IT Engineers, you can contact them directly via LinkedIn to get feedback.

We have many success stories;
here are some we would like to share.

  • I was working at a small beauty shop for several years; after I took this training, I am now IT Engineer working for a large company in Los Angeles. I never thought it would be possible, and Everest IT Training Course made it possible for me. I can’t thank you enough. I appreciated the opportunity and changing my life.

    Sanu Rokka
    Los Angeles
  • I am professionally backend developer however I never understood how entire network system works so my application can perform better. After taking this class, I can see end-to-end application connectivity and how it works in the cloud. Because of this training, I got the promotion and able to speak with others confidently. Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to learn and grow.

    Abhigya Ghimire
    Los Angeles
  • I completed my Undergraduate in Computer Science and was looking for job in IT field however I couldn’t pass interviews nor got the job. After taking this training, I was hired in UCLA and then I moved on to another company. I am now full-time IT Support Engineer for a large organization in Los Angeles.

    Suman Maharjan
    Los Angeles
  • I am professionally a teacher from Nepal, after several years working as store clerk in US I decided to change my career. I joined this IT class and it worked like magic to me. I got the job in San Jose and I am a full-time employee. Thank you Everest IT Training Course for knowledge and opportunities.

    Raju Chaulagai
    San Jose
  • After arriving in US, I started job in Subway. I knew this is landing job but I need to do something to change my career into some professional field. I found this training opportunity and I am glad I spent 8 months and now I am full time IT Engineer at global company in Los Angeles supporting hundreds of client remotely. Thank you Everest IT Training Course and Bijay sir for giving me this opportunity and changing my career into something I can be proud of.

    Sagun Niraula
    Los Angeles
  • When I came to US, I started a job in a store, my friend asked me to join this class. I had very little English and was very hesitant to join this training. After 8 months of training, I got the job as IT Support engineer, and now I work for the largest power company in the US, supporting hundreds of users. This training works like magic. Thank you Everest IT Training Course and Bijay sir.

    Navaraj Neupane
    Los Angeles
  • I never thought with my non-IT Background I will be working in IT Field. Bijay sir is amazing; he has this charisma of teaching. I am glad I took this training and now I am an IT Support engineer for a US Government agency.

    Sunil Pokhrel
    Los Angeles
  • I am so glad I took this training and changed my career from a non-IT job to a professional job. This training works like magic, and I highly recommend it.

    Madan Tripathi
    Los Angeles
  • I highly recommend this training course, I am a computer science student, and I see the difference between my university and this training. I am already a full-time employee of a global company because of this training. Thank you, Everest IT Training Course, for changing my life.

    Alish Pant
    Los Angeles
  • I was not from any IT related background and never thought I could become an IT Engineer. I was hesitant to join; however, I enjoyed the entire course, and now I am a full-time IT engineer in Los Angeles. Thank you, Everest IT Training Course, for allowing me to learn and grow.

    Ramesh Shrestha
    Los Angeles
  • I was not from any IT related background and never thought I could become an IT Engineer. I was hesitant to join; however, I enjoyed the entire course, and now I am a full-time IT engineer in Los Angeles. Thank you, Everest IT Training Course, for allowing me to learn and growI completed this training and got a job in Australia quickly. Because the course is skills-focused, I was able to remotely complete the course and learn skills that I need to be confident. This is fantastic training.

    Pranit Tiwari
  • I was employee at warehouse and l knew I can’t continue this for my entire life. I decided to join Everest IT Training Course training and I am glad I did. After 8 months of training now I am IT Support engineer in Los Angeles working for a large organization. Thank you for the opportunity to learn and support.

    Kosish Shrestha
    Los Angeles